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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


For the sake of life efficiency, it's best that you sync your needs through the day with what you want to get done in your life.

Pick your high-energy time of the day to do high-energy things, pick low energy time of the day to do the low-energy stuff....

That sounds too simplistic, yet simple things can be the easiest to do.

In most people's day, there are times that you have time to think, perhaps you have low energy. Tired from a long-hard day. Instead of watching TV, some reality show, think of your own reality. Meditate, do anything that moves you along to your ultimate goal. Whatever that may be.

When I have time alone, I do what I joke about: Extreme Relaxation! The words are not really compatible, but they do describe what I do. Never am I just lulling about. I will meditate, I will strategically plan. Quietly, low energy-wise.

Even with four boys, there is some time to think. Some days the only time to relax is once in bed.

Not every day can a utopia of personal planning....


Peter Connor

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Look out below

Today I will add another part of my philosophy of success to my blog.

I have noticed that a lot of time and energy has been given to succeeding by thinking big or doing more and doing it better etc.

What I haven't noticed is people thinking of some bad scenarios, that if happened, would stop them in their path. Yet, depending on the bad event, these events wouldn't necessarily have to stop them.

Think of it as a form of risk mitigation.  Come up with "what if" scenarios and assess the probability of the scenario playing out. Think of what this will do to your plans and put something in place to  lower risk or impact.

I do have one example of this. Recently I have been made aware of the chance that interest rates will go up in the next number of years.  We have a lot of debt: so called good debt as it is tied up in two mortgages and my wife's education.  If interest rates go up dramatically, then my plan for early retirement and to go south for the winter is finished.

My plan is to hold on to gold stocks and bullion and pay off a good portion of debt when interest rates start going up. I also, will lock my mortgages into a fixed rate at some point in future. While reasearching this out, i decided not to lock in now because the collapse of bond market (like what is happening to Greece right now won't  happen for at least five years,(I my opinion).

So, when you are dreaming big, look out below because there are some nasty things that can be preventable or reduced so as to not stop you from what you want to do



Thursday, July 14, 2011

A rising tide lifts all ships

We all have busy lives and getting everything done sometimes involves compromise.

I am an avid swimmer, swimming is one of the easiest sports to do  yet one of the hardest to do well.

I was annoyed one day that I could not swim enough to fulfill my life long plan of not only maintaining my swimming ability, but improving on it.

I thought through my issue and I came to this realization.

I realize that if one were to do there best in all activities,  all the little improvements add up. They add up in ways that we don't necessarily see at the time. As as if when you raise the level of your life, everything gets better.   Think of it as a rising tide lifts all ships!

Here's an example.

My wife and I have been organizing our days to try to get as much time together as possible.
She has started jogging again, but I have been reluctant to because of my occasional gout. If you've ever have gout, you'll know how painful it can be. Think of this way.  A doctor puts you under, they then drive a nail in your knee of foot and they wake you up from the "surgery". That is what it feels like to me.

Anyways, my gout has been better due to diet modifications and drinking much more water, so I said to my wife that I would love to come jogging with her.  Well we got more time together, my gout isn't bothering me and (surprise!) my swimming improved!

Doing everything well has helped me live in the moment, life is made up of little moments. It has made me think clearer.  I am somewhat more in tune with whats going on around me and I am better able to solve problems sometimes before they happen.

In fact, doing everything a little bit better has made me little happier while I do it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

You Learn by Doing, but Visualizing is the Next Best

Visualization can be an extremely powerful tool in motivating you to take action, to fine tuning your plan and carrying out your plan.

As a pilot, I spent many hours visualizing our safety drills which really brought you to the action without even being near an airplane. It trains your brain almost as well as the real thing, indeed it fundamentally changes the structure of your brain. Note when they looked at Einstein's brain, apparently he had a complex physical pattern around the area of the brain that mathematics is thought to spring from. His brain was naturally designed for mathematics.

The good news is that we can work on it.

The benefits of visualizing future events to you are numerous. First, you can try on different life-scenarios before they occur, and discard the scenarios that don't suit you. Second you can think through problems by trying on different ways of dealing with it.

I will give you an example:

Through my research about risks to the economy, I knew something bad would happen. I imagined what it would look like,( i thought something like a modern version of the depression of the 30's since my parents grew up in the 30's). I knew drastic action would be needed so my mind naturally focused on uncovering every single way of protecting myself and my family. I came up with so many conclusions from my initial thoughts that I would need a book to explain it, but needless to say, the results are powerful. That was four years ago and I am still coming up with new ideas and implementing them.

I don't know how many different ideas I've had over the years. I visualized each one as an initial rough assessment. I have discarded so many ideas that I have lost count. Anything at the idea stage has a low cost. You haven't sunk any time, effort or money into it. When things are easy, you are more likely to do it.

 The neat  thing about this process is that it only takes one idea to change everything.

I find the best time for this is while cycling or running, I have had many "light bulb" moments over the years while exercising. I believe it has had a profound effect on my life.

Monday, May 23, 2011

What Motivates You?

Once you truly find what motivates you, it can have a powerful  influence on you.

In grade 7, I found something that truly motivated me. I badly wanted to grow up.

We had a rock band come and play at my school - grown up music. I never forget that feeling of listening to that music. The feeling was such a rush.  I felt like I was growing up.

Rock music remained a trigger for me during my teen years and I continue to like it to this day.

Now, what motivates me is the thought of holding my wife for many years and holding my youngest son for only a couple more years as he progresses towards becoming a man.

As you carry out your plan, you must find out what truly motivates you. This step is essential, your drive will fail if you don't have a core reason to help you through the inevitable hard times.
A vague thought of making more money generally isn't enough.

It's ironic that in the pursuit  of tangible gain, intangibles such as love, acceptance etc are arguably more important goals and motivators.

Remember that.

Having said, all things being equal, there's nothing wrong with going out and strengthening your position in life and money is a big factor in that!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pushing on a string

Is an economists term used to describe when the
Central Bank tries to lower interest rates below
the point of effectiveness.

They are trying too hard and aren't getting anywhere.

Everyone has pushed their personal string, I know I
have. As I push myself in all facets of life, sometimes
more can be done by doing less.

Just today, while I felt the stock market was
not going well and some bad news came out on one of the
stocks that I own, I started to push harder thinking that
by doing something, the day would improve.

It didn't work.

Instead, I looked around for something that had nothing to do
with the stockmarket, yard work!

I took my 4year old son out and had him help me. I showed how to do
Some simple tasks and we had a good father son time. You see that in
The back of my mind, a well raised family is a way of increasing quality of life
and wealth for everyone in the family. It is one way to look at it at least.

So the day went really well. I'm sure my son will carry memories of times like this
for his whole life.

It turns out that the stockmarket didn't collapse and I didn't miss any move of significance at all.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So here's my first post of substance.

As a pilot, we train very intensely in the art of risk mitigation.
Flying an aircraft requires being put in situations that are risky, (sorry I have to break it to you, you nervous flyers). It is a simple fact of life! Yet, systems are in place to make flying THE SAFEST forms of travel in history! In Aviation, there are many systems to lower risk this post concentrates on a model called: Swiss Cheese Model.

Lowering risk while still getting the best outcome is at the heart of each stage of the process of change.         

The chart above talks about hazards, losses, pathogens and active failures...
How does this apply to your life and getting ahead?

It applies on many levels. At the beginning of your journey. You should be aware that something isn't quite right. Whether it is changes to the economy causing your job to be at risk or changes to health: the list is endless. The one hole on that Swiss cheese diagram that you really change are your actions. You are control of yourself. Your action to do something about your deteriorating situation will stop all the holes from lining up thereby stopping the bad outcome. If all the holes line up, due to your lack of action, the path is complete and financial ruin begins. 

I am preaching to the converted. You know something needs improving. you know change is needed because something isn't quite right. Hopefully I provided you with a simple model to understand how powerful your actions can change you and your situation.


Peter Connor