So here's my first post of substance.
As a pilot, we train very intensely in the art of risk mitigation.
Flying an aircraft requires being put in situations that are risky, (sorry I have to break it to you, you nervous flyers). It is a simple fact of life! Yet, systems are in place to make flying THE SAFEST forms of travel in history! In Aviation, there are many systems to lower risk this post concentrates on a model called: Swiss Cheese Model.
Lowering risk while still getting the best outcome is at the heart of each stage of the process of change.
The chart above talks about hazards, losses, pathogens and active failures...
How does this apply to your life and getting ahead?
It applies on many levels. At the beginning of your journey. You should be aware that something isn't quite right. Whether it is changes to the economy causing your job to be at risk or changes to health: the list is endless. The one hole on that Swiss cheese diagram that you really change are your actions. You are control of yourself. Your action to do something about your deteriorating situation will stop all the holes from lining up thereby stopping the bad outcome. If all the holes line up, due to your lack of action, the path is complete and financial ruin begins.
I am preaching to the converted. You know something needs improving. you know change is needed because something isn't quite right. Hopefully I provided you with a simple model to understand how powerful your actions can change you and your situation.
Peter Connor
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