Coaching Service

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A rising tide lifts all ships

We all have busy lives and getting everything done sometimes involves compromise.

I am an avid swimmer, swimming is one of the easiest sports to do  yet one of the hardest to do well.

I was annoyed one day that I could not swim enough to fulfill my life long plan of not only maintaining my swimming ability, but improving on it.

I thought through my issue and I came to this realization.

I realize that if one were to do there best in all activities,  all the little improvements add up. They add up in ways that we don't necessarily see at the time. As as if when you raise the level of your life, everything gets better.   Think of it as a rising tide lifts all ships!

Here's an example.

My wife and I have been organizing our days to try to get as much time together as possible.
She has started jogging again, but I have been reluctant to because of my occasional gout. If you've ever have gout, you'll know how painful it can be. Think of this way.  A doctor puts you under, they then drive a nail in your knee of foot and they wake you up from the "surgery". That is what it feels like to me.

Anyways, my gout has been better due to diet modifications and drinking much more water, so I said to my wife that I would love to come jogging with her.  Well we got more time together, my gout isn't bothering me and (surprise!) my swimming improved!

Doing everything well has helped me live in the moment, life is made up of little moments. It has made me think clearer.  I am somewhat more in tune with whats going on around me and I am better able to solve problems sometimes before they happen.

In fact, doing everything a little bit better has made me little happier while I do it.

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